TuriyaTalks S4E2 with Miss June Biswas & Mrs. Shilpa Arora: Staying Optimistic and Productive Part 3

“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted”- that’s how Christine Caine describes optimism. Basically optimism is a path guided by faith in oneself which eventually leads to achievement and nothing can be achieved if you’re not confident enough! The second episode of TuriyaTalks season 4 was graced by social media influencers, Mrs. Shilpa Arora and Miss June Biswas along with our host Simran Handa for the first time, to talk about this aspect of how optimism can make you stay productive even in the time of a pandemic when life has come to a standstill.

Mrs. Arora started the session by saying “Everyone should have the urge to do more in life and follow their dreams.” She also said that we should concentrate more on real life rather than on the reel life as social media platforms are subjective; people show what they want others to see and do not show the bad side of it. Therefore, not everything is perfect on social media.

Miss June Biswas added, "Don't believe everything you see, your expectations and goals should be more than just buying an expensive bag or living a lavish lifestyle, it's about finding yourself and what you want to do with your life."

You must have heard of Walt Disney’s famous quote, “In learning the art of storytelling by animation, I have discovered that language has an anatomy.” The art of storytelling in fact is very important and so it has to be conveyed in an interesting way with the correct choice of words and pleasing visuals. Even though the digital medium is making everything available and accessible at the drop of a hat, they are on the other hand, snatching away the childhood from the children; they are hooked on to their screens all the time, either for games or for online classes, they’re missing out on the fun of going outside to play. Therefore, how we consume digital media and how much we consume it, is in our hands; make the most of it but not at the cost of losing out on the opportunity to learn about the worldly experiences that only nature can teach us.

At the end of the session, both the guests said that to stand out of the crowd, we should create our own niche and think multiple times before implementing something as everything has its pros and cons.  Most importantly we should always be ourselves and not someone else as being genuine and not a copy cat will make people follow you.

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