Turiya Talks S7E16 | Messiahs of Covid

Dr.Anita B. Saini, MD specializes in internal medicine in Troy, MI. She has been recognized for humanitarian work as she continues to provide exceptional excellence in patient care, also recently she has been recognized as a National Hero by the Indian Task Force team.


Mrs. Hema Rachmale an Entrepreneurial Philanthropist who attained a Master’s Degree in Hazardous Waste Management. She owns several post-acute skilled care facilities, a closed-door commercial pharmacy, and several real estate companies.


Dr. Saini said that MIC is an organization that started in March 2020 in the USA. It has volunteers who help Covid patients and conduct vaccine drives and created a medical hub where patients and their families are helped in the USA and India. Also psychological centers for helping people suffering.


Mrs. Hema Rachmale said how they receive requests from different countries to help their families who are in need of help for all. Also, they are helping the psychological aspects by one on one conversations post covid.


Dr. Saini said that this spike in covid was unpredictable and shook India and none was ready for this. She said that no one knows how to get a grasp of this. As India had helped other countries then and over 50 countries have come forward to help India in their need.


They provide all the helpline numbers to help people who are in need.

Mrs. Hema talked about the new normal of teaching children,  wearing masks, and also eating nutritional foods.


Dr. Saini explained about anxiety created due to covid so she recommended taking help from doctors and also emphasized the importance of meditation and yoga.


In the final message, they thanked Turiya Communications for having them in the show and send their message to India and other countries about relevant information about the help provided by them.

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