There is a saying that the first impression will be the last
impression, which is true to some extent. In the competitive world everyone is
busy making a lasting impression to stand out from others. So, it becomes very
important for a marketing company
while launching a podcast to make an impactful impression after getting
approved from iTunes or any other podcast channel. It is important to try and
make your podcast reach a new and noteworthy section.
The 4 step strategy to launch your digital marketing company’s
podcast at any market. Here we will mention all the steps a marketing company
should follow as well as mistakes they should avoid.
The first and foremost step is to define the concept and
style of your marketing company’s podcast -
you decide what your overall podcast will be before launching it on any podcast
channel otherwise there will be a risk of your show becoming a sloppy one.
need to think about what will be the unique characteristics of your podcast. It
should be related to your digital marketing business.
is necessary for a podcast to be entertaining while providing some valuable
content with it , so that it can hit the top of the chart.
are several “style” of podcasts to choose from. Some examples are -
? Conference/ interrogation podcast
This happens to be the
most common type of podcast, where the host(s) conducts an interview in each
Every episode is named after the personality who has been
? Location podcast
Here the center is the location, where the podcast is
recorded and then broadcasted. The host talks about different locations and the
experience they go through there.
? Narrative podcast
A story is told in this type of podcast.
The beginning of the story is told in the first episode of
the podcast and the end in the last episode, in between all the episodes builds
up the story and moves forward till we reach the last episode.
One such example is ‘pocket fm’.
? Education podcast
This type of podcasts instructs and teaches the listeners on
a particular topic each episode.
? Mix podcast
This is more like a cross over podcast, where varied topics
are heard related to teaching, interviewing experts and examining case studies.
At the end a digital
marketing or marketing company should pick a style that works best for them.
The first 3
episodes of the podcast came to become the supporting episodes that served as the
stanchion for the entire podcast and created the first impression. These
‘supporting episodes’ are quite useful,
? It works as a ‘great reference to
look back’. While making future videos use the link for the first three videos
as a reference.
? The first three episodes acts as a
foundation for the podcast.
? Along with the first three episodes
you can also provide links of the episodes that were published prior to the new
? The show notes can be referenced
through an episode to generate high quality leads and send traffic back to the
? The supporting episodes keeps you
from repeating yourself in the later episodes.
? The supporting episodes gradually
help to improve the flow of the show. It helps in not repeating an explanation
but simply with the help of reference link we can say for e.g., that this
particular thing “X” is explained better in the 1st or 3rd episode, go back and
listen to it there.
? Supporting episodes gives good
rankings to the podcast because the reference of previous episodes is constantly
used in present and upcoming episodes, so the listeners have to go back and
play or download the entire episode from the past.
? Helps to maintain all the downloads
in a consistent form.
While launching
a podcast for your digital marketing company, it is necessary to launch the
first three episodes to keep the audiences hooked on to your show. Therefore, it
provides an opportunity to create a good and firm first impression.
Creating the
supporting episodes (first three episodes) -
? Look for the most popular topics
related to digital marketing company for the foundational posts that interests
the people.
? Content should be something that
connects to the audience and answer their queries, so that it can be adapted
for the use in different purpose.
To look for the
best content, know what is popular for your marketing company, what people are
looking into nowadays and what type of inspiration can serve well for your marketing
company’s podcast; for all this one can look into ‘Buzzsumo’ and ‘Google Adwords’.
It is important
to create as much momentum and buzz as possible while launching the podcast for
your digital marketing company and a
‘contest’ can help with that to give a good rank to the digital marketing
If you want the
podcast of your digital marketing company
to rank then you would want people to -
? Visit your podcast channel
? Download the supporting episodes
? Subscribe the channel of your company
? Leave a comment or review about the
The content
must be outstanding to get positive reviews. But to get the downloads,
subscribers and ratings for the podcast, adding a contest will turn out to be
helpful for all that.
While putting a
contest in your podcast, a digital marketing company must make sure that the price is specific to their market. It
shouldn’t appeal to the entire mass but should only aim to attract the type of
people the marketing company is working on to gather, who in reality will find
value from the company’s podcast. For e.g., if your podcast is about digital
marketing then as a price it should offer more digital marketing services at a
lesser price.
Even if a digital
marketing company has not built up
an audience prior to the launch of the podcast then giving away a proper price
that is relevant to the listeners will make them more willing to be engaged
with the shows of the channel.
When launching
a podcast for your digital marketing company it is necessary to -
? Call the community and market that
will help you to launch your podcast, make sure that they are aware of the
podcasts and shares it among people
? Popularize your podcasts by asking
your friends to share it and its contest
? Interact with big media houses and
ask them to share the podcast contest
? Partner with people within the same
field as you with an existing audience and ask them to share the podcast
At this stage
you need to keep on generating the buzz for the podcast and to do that a
‘distribution schedule’ needs to be created.
If you want
your downloads to keep on spiking and the buzz to remain for your digital
marketing company’s podcast-
? In a week fix a day to go live with a
new episode
? Next day post about the latest
episode and boost it for 3 days by creating a facebook post
? Email your list on the very next day
to all the subscribers
? Then throughout the week distribute
and redistribute the new and old episodes through paid ads, social media posts
or email banners.
Following are
the few ways to keep and increase subscribers for the podcast of your digital
marketing company -
? Making small series of podcasts =
leave people hanging on the episodes by creating small parts of the episodes
i.e. part 1, part 2, part 3. This turns out to be extremely powerful as it
makes people want to come back and hear the end result.
? Inviting famous or popular guests =
invite people on the show that will draw a good amount of audience.
? Once again, continue to use the
reference of past episodes
? Interesting teasers for future
episodes work well to intrigue people. It says what can be expected in the
future episode giving listeners something to look forward to.
Consistency and
good content is required to make a podcast successful. So start now to make an
interesting podcast for your digital marketing company.