Twitter is an
outstanding outlet for dissemination of information during major events across
the world. But it can also be used by many companies or agencies like digital marketing agencies to find more
leads using Twitter’s advanced search.
Here we are
gonna brief on what advanced search queries are and how digital marketing
agencies can use them to generate
more leads for themselves.
? It helps to narrow down the searches
and look into the specific type of users you want for your agency .
? To narrow down the search you can
include location, interest and more .
? Helps to find users who are talking
about digital marketing agencies or
your agency without tagging you or any other agency .
? On your desktop screen you will find
‘Twitter’s search panel’ on the right hand side of the screen and at the bottom
of the mobile screen you will see an icon of magnifying glass used to search
basic things such as hashtags and users .
? If you search for a company say
‘Malabar’ then you will be able to see accounts related to the search, top
tweets, comment using that keyword .
There are
millions of tweets each day and Twitter’s advanced search helps to narrow down
your search and find what you as a digital marketing agency is looking for.
1. Function of it using the search bar :
The advanced search option of Twitter is a bit more
complicated than the normal search options. Twitter’s advanced search option
can only be accessed through websites or web apps as of now, it can not be
accessed from phone or tablet through the Twitter app we see.
2. Sentiment searching in Twitter :
While doing sentiment searching you will understand what type
of keywords people use and why they are using them through natural language
processing(NLP). Such searches can be categorised as positive, negative or
neutral. Knowing this will help your digital marketing agency to figure out the
needs of their potential customers.
You can either do this on your own or by purchasing a program
to run complete NLP analysis on Twitter. While doing this yourself you can
search for happy or sad or punctuations combined with your search keywords.
Doing this helps you to know the type of questions people are
asking about your digital marketing agency or other digital marketing agencies.
To understand the questions go through each tweet.
If someone is asking questions on digital marketing agencies,
they could be looking for its success or planning to start one or they could be
also looking to buy marketing services or ask totally unrelated questions.
Whatever it will be, it still helps to find users looking for your help or
services after the search is narrowed down.
Answering these questions generally turns out to be helpful
in getting leads for your digital marketing agency. This method is very much
helpful in case of local brands.
3. Using geolocation in your search
filters :
Using location filters you can get tweets of even faraway
places, be it any country or city. This is very vital for local digital
marketing companies, where they can target leads right within their area. While
searching just add in ‘near:(name of the country or city)’ and ‘within:(the
distance till which you want to look upto)’ and you will get the tweets from
that specific location.
The location filters while searching creates a radius around
the place which is specified within the ‘near’ filter.
For your digital marketing company you can now find anyone or
any agency who are looking to get digital marketing services and send them to
your business. To do this you need to enter keywords related to your company
such as ‘digital marketing agencies’ and add ‘near:(name of the country or
city)’ and ‘within:(the distance till which you want to look upto)’ to find
your local customers.
Finding new customers can be easy like this.
For good online reputation and credibility of your digital
marketing agency, you can always help users by providing answers to their
questions like ‘how digital marketing is useful for a business?’
Sentiment searching can help your company to get an insight
on what people are saying about your company as well as your competitors.
If you find a customer unsatisfied with some features of your
competitor’s product or service, then quickly tweet them with relevant details
about your company’s services. You should often dive into online conversations
and give your own opinion to create an engaging relation with the users of
4. Using usernames in search panel to
track Twitter mentions :
You can get leads for digital marketing by doing username
searches to track mentions. While doing this you have to add ‘to:’ or ‘from:’
before the username.
If ‘to:’ is used before the username then it reveals all the
tweets sent to the user, whereas if ‘from:’ is used before the username then it
reveals all the tweets the user has sent out. Now you would probably like to
use this option more to search the tweets of your competitors, but not yours.
Now if you want to see if anyone has any question for you,
say on ‘digital marketing’ then you have to use digital marketing as the
keyword and add it to a ‘to:’ and then search.
5. Twitter Advanced Searches of yours
can be saved :
In Twitter 25 searches per account can be saved. To do this
you will find three dots on the right hand side of your desktop screen, after
clicking on that you will get the ‘Save search’ option, select that. That way
you can see the people who are sharing your posts.
6. Irrelevant search results can be
excluded using Twitter Advanced Search :
To use this feature you have to add the “-” symbol before the
keyword, filter or username you don’t want to see results while searching.
7. Using or creating proper hashtags for
searching :
Use of proper hashtags can make you build your own filter for
the digital marketing company to get more leads.
Use a hashtag you have created that is branded and very
creative and add it to the majority of your posts to get more leads for your digital
marketing company.
8. Twitter’s Advanced Search function on
web :
The actual Advanced Search function is not available in the
Twitter phone based app, it is only available on the Twitter website. You can
also access this website through the browser in your mobile phone.
Beside the search bar on Twitter website you will see three
dots, on clicking that you will get an advanced search option, choose it for
advanced searching.
This option will take you to a form, where a variety of
things can be done. You need to scroll a few times to see all the available
options for advanced searching.
From all the options you can choose as many filters you want
before searching. But to use the distance option as in to see local customers
or shops near you, you need to use the regular search bar. It is always good to
narrow down your search to get the more recent leads for your business.
Start connecting with the users after you are done filtering
your searches to the types of tweets you are looking for.
? Respond to the questions of the
Twitter user whether the question is directed at you or not. Respond with a
relevant answer, this helps in people engagement in your digital marketing
? After identifying your leads head to
their profile and follow them. It is good if they follow back this brings
further engagement which can be done more efficiently.
? After responding to the user, add a
link to your digital marketing website, only if it is relevant to their
question. This will make you seem more an expert than a salesperson.
? Add a link of your digital marketing
website to the first response and just answer the follow-up questions, only add
a link to your website if it is necessary to expand on the answer.
Be sure to stay
connected with your leads and continue to engage with them over time. Now, if
you don’t have time to do all this yourself, Turiya Communications LLP is here
to help you with that.