Do you want to maximise your content marketing productivity as well as monitor it? If yes, here are some tips for you

Do you want to maximise your content marketing productivity as well as monitor it? If yes, here are some tips for you

It becomes much tougher when it comes to checking up with the content marketing team as they accomplish a variety of tasks and it is next to impossible to keep a tap on them. While we try working from home there are a huge number of destructions that can come our way like if there are small kids then it is next to impossible to keep them quiet and concentrating on content creation the key for which is concentration. Due to huge variations of these types of destruction it becomes extremely hard to  keep the environment  under control. It becomes much harder to keep oneself free from any destruction when it comes to working from home for any content marketing team member. In order to keep all the team members of the content marketing on a watch along with increasing their productivity, here are some tips for you:

1. Content Brainstorming- Brainstorming is the best way to get encouraged to finish a particular work especially if it concerns content creation. In the isolation of home it becomes next to impossible to think productively. A 15- minutes meeting each day where all the colleagues discuss new content ideas and upcoming projects can really work like an alarm clock and wake you up from the no content idea slumber.

Using Google Meet for arranging this meeting is a good idea. Other Google services like Google Calendar can be used by everyone to set a reminder of any daily event or even any important project submission date.

2. Great-Quality Content Creation- Good-Quality content or high-Quality content is a very relative term whether you outsource your content or everything is done by the delegated team members. Evaluating the quality of the content is an ephemeral concept.

However there are a few measurable factors that can work as a tool to decide the quality of any content and they are-

o   Readability

o   Number of words

o   List usage

o   Use of subheads

Yoast plugin for WordPress is useful in determining the sentence length, subhead distribution etc. which helps in understanding the quality of a content to some extent. Another tool for determining the quality of the content is Text Optimizer. This tool scores the word choices and comprehensiveness of the content, it even applies semantic analysis in order to push the content writers to research more. Renderforest is a useful tool when it comes to creating multimedia and content which is more interactive. This tool doesn’t require any extra skill and can be used by the content team with images and videos.

3. Content Editing- Content editing is also a very important step before publishing the content. First of all the editor always needs to be careful while proofreading the content and should grade the work and inform its writer the changes necessary. The writers should submit the content written by them in Google docs so that it becomes easier for the editors to inform about the corrections and to give feedback too. A number of plugins are also available in WordPress that helps not only the writers but also the editors in revising and proofreading.

4. Content Sharing- It is the common scenario of every company that they create more content that they can possibly promote. This is not a healthy practice. There must be a rule that content creation must be refrained from until and unless the previously created content is not promoted.

·        The content must be shared on the brand’s social media channels.

·        The URL must be added on Viral Content Bee to increase the number of shares.

·        Tweets must be scheduled on a daily basis for the URL so that they keep appearing on your feed.

·        Email outreach to be done in order to alert journalists and bloggers about the contents created by your company.

·        Even spying your competitors in order to check how they are promoting their content is also useful.

5. Content Outreach- Reaching out to people is a very important step for every company. Emailing is an easy way to reach more bloggers. But too much of it is not essential. An hour per day devoted to this task is more than enough. In case this task is outsourced then tools like EmailAnalytics are helpful to keep a track on the activities of the outreach team. This tool generates a daily report that helps you track the activities of the outreach team like reaching out to journalists, bloggers, number of mails sent as well as received, average response time, most active days and the slowest ones.

6. Content Monitoring- It is encouraging to keep the content creations team informed about how their content is doing and the impact it has on the company business. This motivates the creators. Tools like Finteza help the members of a company to monitor the website traffic as well as conversation without much hassle and training. It provides in-depth insights when it considers monitoring events and actions. Even Google analytics can be used after a bit of customization to do the task. There are custom dashboard facilities inside WordPress that help in web analytics too.


Short Description

With the latest pandemic situation most of the digital marketing agencies as well as all forms of businesses are going for the work from home system. Even some of the companies (including the digital marketing companies) are planning to stick to this way even when the situation gets better. So checking and improving their productivity becomes the most essential task.

It becomes much tougher when it comes to checking up with the content marketing team as they accomplish a variety of tasks and it is next to impossible to keep a tap on them. Due to its huge variations it becomes extremely hard to be kept under control. It becomes much harder to keep oneself free from any destruction when it comes to working from home for any content marketing team member. In order to keep all the team members of the content marketing on a watch along with increasing their productivity, here are some tips for you:

1. Content Brainstorming

2. Great-Quality Content Creation

3. Content Editing

4. Content Sharing

5. Content Outreach

6. Content Monitoring

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