TuriyaTalks S4E1 with Mr. Paritosh Joshi: Maybe it's your turn next, to find that audience Part II

Do you know that the beginning step towards success in marketing communications is finding your target audience by which you can tailor your key messages! Rudyard Kipling rightly said that words are the most powerful drug used by mankind; either it can ensure overnight success or damage your reputation if it doesn’t go well with your audience. The 4th Season of TuriyaTalks is all about how you should “Voice your Notion” and in its 1st episode, we were joined by Mr. Paritosh Joshi, Principal at Provocateur Advisory, accompanied by our host Sandhya Sutodia, who discussed on the topic "Maybe it's your turn next, to find that audience".

Mr. Joshi started the session by saying “Life is about enjoying the journey, ability to create stories, hear stories and make stories.” People often think about reaching a certain destination where they will be satisfied but the entertainment in life is the journey one goes through. We should learn something from every step that we take in life and merge it to become what we desire. The ability to tell stories and remember them is phenomenal and no matter how advanced technology becomes, storytelling will always be a popular option because every human being loves sharing stories. He advised, "Never stop following your passion as it is the power that comes from within and drives you to achieve your dreams."

The transformation of interest into passion happens with punctuality and discipline, it is the single-minded ability that influences people to come closer to their dreams. Distractions will always be a part of our life but we should follow our passion and never stumble away from our track. Always remember to speak in a way that others will love to listen to you and listen in such a way that others will love to speak to you.

The session was ended by saying that the ability to be humble after recognition and fame makes a person successful in the journey of life.

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