Top 9 Content Marketing Tools of 2021
Marketing is a type of marketing approach which is strategically focused on a
technique of building and disseminating important, relevant and compatible
content which will attract a particular defined audience, with an aim to drive
profit from the actions of the customers. The main goal of content marketing is
to provide as much value as they can to their target audience. It helps in
making a digital marketing company into
a proper resource, where not only customers get to buy stuff but also it
becomes the expert that provides trust and faith that all the customers need
from the product or services the business provides.
marketing is initially done to make the customer aware of the brand and help them to understand it better and
build their trust and later it can
result in their sales which may bring profit to them. Brands use this method
with the only purpose to make a call-to-action to their customers.
marketing can be unified by using content marketing tools, which will
eventually help the brands or digital
marketing agencies to reach their marketing goals. Using efficient, and correct
tools makes it far easier to make contents and strategically market them to the
proper target audiences.
The 9 most
important content marketing tools which are extremely beneficial in this
digital era of 2021 are as follows:-
1) CANVA- one of
the most efficient tools of content marketing is surely Canva specially with
its search engine facilities where it searches for signs of whether the content
is meaningful or not and ranks its engagement capacity. For any type of
content, images, videos, infographics and lists are the most vital ones. It is
the easiest platform where videos and
images and any other sort of graphics can be made, also there are several
templates which can be used to boost the traffic and converse better. Anything
can be designed using canva, so for content marketers it is the ebay tool to
use for making graphic designs for their brands, high quality articles as well
as paid advertisements to reach a larger audience. It is extremely brand
Content marketers need Canva to:
? To add graphics individually to each of their brands
? To create content with high graphic quality.
? Content marketers have more than hundreds of templates for
each requirement .
This is one such tool where people generally tend to use the keywords mostly
and based on that they ask questions, often it is seen full with lists of
questions. It will show the audience everything they have searched for and
provide them with several content ideas which will be according to their
. AnswerThePublic can be used by content
marketers to:
To observe what kind of
questions customer avatar is asking
To clarify what are the main pain points a
brand’s customer avatar has.
Create content according to
the needs and requirements of the customer avatar.
3)QUORA- Quora is
almost the same as AnswerThePublic. It
actually puts the content marketer into the minds of the customer avatar. Here
one can find more than hundreds of questions which have been asked by people in
different scenarios. In quora we can f=simply write our questions and people
from all over the world have different answers to it and the content can be
made using these valuable answers.
helps content marketers:
In managing the problems
the customer avatar has.
Ensure to make content of a
very high quality so that all questions are well answered.
One can get more
recognition if their brands post all the questions asked to them on quora.
It is
a free tool which shows us what the
public think or care about in the present scenario. Specific types of
high-performing ideas for content based on the current trends and news.using tracking on their devices.
Google Trends to:
To keep a track of the
most trending things in the industry
one can put that in AnswerThePublic or
Quora to get the answers of all the questions asked.
Then content has to be created which answers the important questions of the
customer avatar .
5)HEMINGWAY EDITOR- Using this tool
content marketers can usually copy and then paste all kinds of written contents
like articles, copy etc into Hemingway Editor as it helps the audience making
the content readable, avoiding the use of a lot many adverbs, passive voice, to make it
easy to read. It also helps in using the most appropriate word for the contents
which are usually interesting and avoid big words. Hemingway Editor helps
content marketers of the marketing company:
Hemingway Editor :
To keep their content
Helps content marketos to
become well known for their
high-quality, enjoyable content
6)GRAMMARLY- . This is one such tool which is highly recommended by
content writers all over the world because of its very unique facilities it
provides.It now only checks the grammar, spelling errors in the content but
also makes sure that the sentences and phrases are well constructed, if not it
suggests better constructed sentences to be used . It also provides an update
on the quality of the content written.
Use Grammarly to:
To fix grammatical and spelling errors in writings.
Improve the quality of the
Helps in editing the content based on the requirement of the market.
7)SEMRUSH-It is one the best
tools content marketers must use strategically to bring boost, traffic,
engagement and subscription to their content.
SEMRush is a very popular tool among
content marketers. With SEMRush, , marketing agencies can keep a
track of the total views and also it helps in gaining more views to our
is great for content marketing because:
In SEMRush, SEO audits can
be run and also keep a track of SERP positions.
It helps in making the
content SEO-friendly before publishing.
Also keeps a track of the
traffic and analytics other websites
8) GOOGLE ANALYTICS- It is a content marketing tool which is used to set up
a website .When the content marketers write proper contents google analytics helps in keeping the track
of total pages and their views and also the source of traffic and demographics,
Google Analytics to:
Analyse how much traffic the content is receiving.
Observe the click-through
rate on different types of content
To understand the main traffic sources of the content.
9)MONDAY- Monday will help the content marketing teams
to make sure that they publish all the
important ideas. With Monday, one can create
their editorial calendar, assign tasks, and add updates to each task .
Content marketers love Monday because:
They can create an editorial calendar with
their team.
? Assigning
tasks to team members and keeping track
easily to avoid extra communication.