How to Celebrate Diwali in Turiya Style!

How to Celebrate Diwali in Turiya Style!

How to Celebrate Diwali in Turiya Style!


As we have welcomed the big-fat festive season with the onset of Navratri, Diwali—the Festival of Lights is almost upon us! However, it is a given that the biggest festival of this year is bound to be a low-key affair, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since our country has been reeling under it for quite a while now, and it will, unfortunately, exist for much longer than expected---it is extremely important to focus on our health and safety, while we celebrate this joyous occasion.


Although, we won’t be able to celebrate it this year with the same exuberance as before, that should not mar the excitement of the festival. Instead, we should look at it from a different perspective, as an unprecedented year calls for unprecedented methods of celebration! 


And since 2020 has been an unexpected year of navigating through many firsts, this year, our agency Turiya Communications has decided to celebrate the Festival of Lights differently and uniquely. We will be celebrating it in Turiya Style! Read on to know more about it:


1.      Meetings Over Video Calls

While organizing a party in the times of COVID-19 is a big NO, you can still meet up virtually with your friends and family to celebrate Deepavali. All you need to do is get ready and set up a family video call over Zoom, Skype, Google Duo, or other video-calling applications.


2.      Celebrating at Home

Since going out to a party and meeting people is not an option during such times, you can instead stay at home and decorate your house beautifully. Light up diyas and candles as you do every year and celebrate Diwali together with your family. Make colourful rangolis, wear new clothes, and enjoy dinner over some old Diwali stories. Add some good games and music, and you are all set for a Gharwali Diwali!


3.      Digital Gifting

The Diwali party is incomplete without gifts. Since we are following guidelines to celebrate a safe Diwali due to the pandemic, you can give beautiful digital gifts to your loved ones and surprise them. There are various types of digital gifts available online such as personalized E-posters, personalized video messages, personalized digital sketches, personalized poetry, and much more. 


4.      COVID Diwali gift packs 

Since gifts and gift packs are an evergreen Diwali tradition, you can also blend tradition with necessity. Hand sanitizers, festive-themed handmade facemasks, kadha (a traditional immunity-boosting spice mix for chai), amla berry powder, turmeric latte mix, mini jars of honey, and green tea sachets among classic elements like mithai and nuts, and others can be included in the packs.


5.      Virtual puja 

So you are away from home and feel like doing a traditional Diwali puja this year. It’s time to get virtual! Get together with family, or friends, and set a time when you will all tune in. Get the most puja-aware person in the group to organize, and follow their lead. They could help organize everything by sending out lists of what to include in your makeshift temple, or you can all throw in your ideas beforehand. 


6.      Techy Tash 

It is that time of year again to hedge your bets and let your competitive streak fly. Online websites like Arkadium offer every card game imaginable and apps like Zynga Poker offer multiplayer options. (Yes, we know – not even a pandemic can keep us away from our trash parties!) With a simple WhatsApp invitation and a little bit of planning, you are all set to enjoy Diwali just like any year, from the comfort and safety of your living room.


7.      Radiant Rangolis 

There is something undeniably homely about making rangolis as a family, whether it’s designing one yourself, using handy rangoli-making tools and stencils, or let’s face it, peeking into your neighbour’s front yard (or Instagram post!) to ‘borrow’ her design. 

Why should this year be any different? You can bring your laptop outside and get on a Zoom call with your family, wherever they may be. An interesting game would be to pick out a design together and let each choose their colours and ingredients


8.      Antakshari antics 

It is an age-old game of singing Bollywood songs, competing to see who has the best knowledge of music, and it does not have to stop this year! Grab some mates, form your teams, and get the ball rolling with Virtual Antakshari. All you need is a good host to keep track of scores and mute/unmute teams when it is their turn… and if they are generous, the host could share screen and put on the lyrics too! This Antakshari might be virtual, but the excitement and competitiveness will be as real as it gets. 


9.      Fashion show 

Don’t you just hate it when you dress up and there is no one around to see you? Well, this year’s Diwali fashion show will make sure that is not going to be a problem. Put on your best festive attire, out together a fun playlist, and let the party begin! Strut along the runway (living room or bedroom, your pick!) and show off your kurtas and lehengas to your friends and family on the video call, and get them to join in too.


The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, there is nothing better than the joy and togetherness brought on by the festive season. There is no reason you should be discouraged from celebrating this year – and who knows, this virtual Diwali party could turn out to be the best one you’ve thrown yet!

Turiya Communications wishes you and your loved ones a very happy and prosperous Diwali! Stay safe and stay healthy.

Also, let us know in the comments if you liked our style of Diwali celebrations and also about the unique plans you have to celebrate with your family and loved ones this year.


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