How to Build Effective Media Relations
Media Relations is the building of
effective relationships with journalists, editors and reporters. The media can
be Traditional Media i.e. newspapers, magazines, television and radio or New
Media including the various Social Media tools, websites, emails or blogs. The
aim is to communicate the message of the client through a specific media
audience in order to reach and persuade the target audience to take action.
Building a mutually beneficial relationship
with the reporters, journalist and bloggers provides complete access to your
target audience and helps you get your message across. Developing strong Media Relations
helps to inform, educate and make the masses aware of your organization’s
mission, policies and practices in a consistent and credible manner.
People are more likely to listen to the
media as they will be the third person talking about your company or
organization. They are the people who are directly connected to the masses
which makes what they speak more credible than you blowing your own trumpet!
How to build effective Media
Make a priority list
On the basis of your company, work out what
audiences you wish to make aware, educate and influence and identify the media
outlet you wish to use to reach out to the masses. Make a list. Is it the
general public, teenagers, the working community, the business people or the
senior citizens you wish to reach out to? Prioritize the list on the basis of
your preferences and customize the message to them for highest engagement.
Reach out to the specific target audiences through the most preferred media
outlet instead of aiming at the general people of all age group and catching no
attention at all.
Research about the media and their area
of interests
Some magazines cater to a specific class of
audiences while other target all age groups. Research about the audiences they
reach out to, to get your message across effectively. Customize your approach
to the target audience for highest action.
Learn about their timings
A story followed by a reporter in June may
get on the shelves by August. Magazines may be two or three issues ahead. Work
accordingly and sign an agreement with the journalist after doing a complete
research about their way of working and their timings.
Be yourself
To build effective mutually beneficial
relations with the media, be the real you. Editors like to talk to real people.
Be polite, kind and friendly.
Don’t waste their time
To make a person feel respected and to
value their time is the best way to build effective relations with the media.
For them, time is money and they are paid accordingly. So, make sure they are
respected and their time is valued.
Follow up, but don’t annoy
Keep sending in suggestions and stay in
touch through email. They may revert or get back to you. However, don’t annoy
them through frequent calls or repeated emails.
Find out about their stories
Look into the stories they are working on;
they may talk about stories that don’t get written for a couple of months. Find
out about the genre of their interest and specify your preferences. This will
increase the chances of them agreeing to take in your story/article. A large
amount of time and effort for them to gather information for a story is saved
and you will get complete media coverage and be able to get your message across
to the preferred target audiences. This will increase the probability of
engagement, clicks and awareness. Brand awareness will be taken complete care
Understand that journalists are doing a
Make a journalist feel valued and respected
and understand their deadlines. If they feel that they are disrespected,
insulted, kept waiting or taken advantage of they’ll find another scoop to
pitch their story.
Attractive website
When a journalist turns to the internet for
their research work, garnering information about their article in no time will
increase the probability for your company to be a part of their story. If they
find a compelling story through your website, they will work on it. Make a PR
friendly website with contacts, mails and information which is easily
accessible. Provide all the information required by linking different pages to
the home page so that work of the journalist decreases and chances of your
company to get media coverage increases.
Be media- friendly
Learn to deal with press enquiries, be
polite to journalist and value their time. Teach the receptionists, house staff,
etc how to answer the phone, who to put the call to and make them understand
that calls are important.
Stay in contact
Stay in contact with journalists who work
on the stories so that they can help you in achieving the media coverage and
put your message out to the public.
Keep these points in mind in order to
build effective media relations! If you need further assistance with
maintaining good Media Relations, make sure to contact Turiya Communications
LLP or visit website to know more!