Facebook Business Page: Here Is Everything You Need To Know About It
Back in 2004, Facebook began as a way for college students and other young adults to connect online. Cut to 2020 --- Facebook has now become a staple for businesses and community organizations. With more than 2.27 billion monthly users, businesses are using this social networking platform to promote their services, increase customer support, and boost recognition.
If you are a business owner, one of the best things you can do is create a Facebook page for your business. Since Facebook is the most widely used social network, a Facebook business page is one of the best ways to connect with your customers and build a following for your business – no matter what the size or type!
What is a Facebook Page?
A profile is a personal Facebook account used to share personal information and photos with friends and family. Whereas, pages are public profiles that let businesses and public figures connect with fans and customers, wherein users just have to like a page to start seeing updates from the page on their news feed.
Having a page rather than an account makes your business more official, more professional, and more in-tune with today’s social media marketing strategies. Hence, when you create a page, each “like” on it equates to having gained another Facebook “fan.” When someone likes your page, any update you post—whether it is media, text, or shared content—will appear on their news feed.
This lets your followers see and engage with your content without feeling like you are watching them. In addition to having followers instead of friends, Facebook pages also let you provide information such as products and services, hours, location, and reviews.
Benefits of having a Facebook Business Page
You cannot use your personal profile to promote your business. Not only will you be missing the benefits of having a business page, but also Facebook will not allow you to use your profile for business promotion. Hence, whether you are a local business or a multinational corporation, your business needs a Facebook Business Page.
There are many benefits to having one and no reason as to why you should not have one! Read here to know more about its benefits:
Get to know Your Target Audience
A business page on Facebook gives you a way to communicate directly with your target audience and helps you to collect helpful details about them. Additionally, Facebook Insights provides useful information about your fans and their interactions on your page.
Humanize Your Company
Facebook allows you to attach a face, name, and personality to your brand. While your Facebook page may represent your company, it also allows you to show the human side of your business through one-on-one conversations, personal tidbits, and non-business interaction.
Build a Community
Facebook business pages are excellent places to gather your customers, prospects, and fans to provide reviews, share opinions, voice concerns, and offer feedback. You can also build a community on your Facebook page by bringing people together and developing a loyal following that will continue to grow.
Facebook Is Good for SEO
Facebook can be an effective way to direct traffic to your business website and blog. Your posts, links, and other actions that are contained on your public Facebook page can give you an SEO boost if search engines index them.
Meet Your Clients and Customers Every Day
Most people on Facebook visit the site every day, so regular status updates, shared links and videos, and other information give you a chance to connect with your customers daily.
How to create a Facebook page for your business?
Need some more motivation to get started? Consider that 2.5 billion people use Facebook every month, and more than 140 million other businesses already use Facebook to connect with that massive audience.
So, let us dive into the steps of creating a Facebook account for a business. To create a Facebook business page, you must have a personal profile and you need to log into your account.
Note: The information from your personal account will not be publicly visible on your business page.
Step 1: Sign up
Select the type of page you want to create: business/brand or community/public figure and then, click the ‘Get Started’ button.
Next, enter your business information. For your page name, use your business name or the name people are likely to search for when trying to find your business.
For category, type a word or two that describes your business and Facebook will suggest some options. If your business falls into more than one of the category options, choose the one your customers are most likely to think of when they think about your business.
Once you choose your category, the box will expand to ask for a few further details, like your address and phone number. You can choose whether to make this information public or to show only your city and state.
When you are ready, click ‘Continue’.
Step 2: Add Pictures
You need to upload a profile and cover images for your Facebook page. It is important to create a good visual first impression, so choose wisely here. Make sure the photos you choose to align with your brand and are easily identifiable with your business.
You will upload your profile image first. This image accompanies your business name in search results, appears on the top left of your Facebook page, and when you interact with users.
If you have a recognizable brand, using your logo is probably a safe way to go. If you are a celebrity or public figure, a picture of your face will work like a charm. Also, if you are a local business, you can use an image of your signature offering.
Once you have chosen a great photo, click ‘Upload Profile Picture’.
Additionally, select an appropriate image for your cover picture. Once you are done, click ‘Upload a Cover Photo’
Step 3: Create your username
Your username is how you tell people where to find you on Facebook, and it can be up to 50 characters long. Remember to use a name that is easy to type and easy to remember.
Once you are done selecting an appropriate username, click ‘Create Username’. Now you will see that a box has popped up, which contains all the links people can use to connect with your business on Facebook and Messenger.
Step 4: Add your business details
It is important to fill out all of the fields in your Facebook Page’s ‘About’ section right from the start, as this section is often the very first place a customer goes to get information about you. This section contains various details such as description, categories, contact, location, hours, and other extra information.
To start filling out your business details, click ‘Edit Page Info’ and click ‘Save Changes’ under each detail to implement your changes as you go.
Step 5: Tell your story
There is a section of your Facebook business page where you can add a longer description of your business. This is important for your business page as this is where you get to tell your story. Add a detailed description of what your business offers customers and why they should Like or Follow your Page.
To access it, click ‘About’ and then click ‘Our Story’ on the right-hand side.
Enter a headline and text for your story, and then upload a relevant photo. When you are finished, click ‘Publish’.
Step 6: Create your first post
Before you start inviting people to like your Facebook Business Page, you should post some valuable content. You can create some of your posts, or share relevant content from thought leaders in your industry. Make sure that whatever you post offers value for your visitors when they arrive at your Facebook page, so they will be inclined to stick around.
Step 7: Publish your page and invite an audience
Once you are done with the aforementioned steps, it is time to hit that big green ‘Publish Page’ button in the left-hand menu. Now your page is live and visible to the world.
You can now invite your existing Facebook friends to like your page and use your other channels, like your website and Twitter, to promote it.
Final Thoughts
If you have already created a Facebook profile for your business rather than a page, do not worry! It is not too late to transition to a business page. At Turiya Communications LLP, our dedicated in-house social media team can help you to create, manage, and promote your Facebook Business Page.
To generate brand awareness, engagement & traffic with our Social Media Marketing Services, visit our website www.turiyacommunications.com!