Current trend of digital marketing for movies in India-

Current trend of digital marketing for movies in India-

India has always been known for creating remarkable movies and one of the core reasons behind this is the diverse cultures, communities, and traditions. People have witnessed a spectacular change in terms of movie promotion – from glossy, vibrant movie posters sticking to the walls of the theaters and other places to Bollywood stars sharing posts on their new releases on their social media handles. The change is taking place because the age is going digital and people are looking for information on the internet.

From increasing a movie’s shelf life to helping a niche reach masses – these movie marketing trends are re-shaping the industry completely.

  1. A Digital Revolution: The way people have major social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and engaging with the contents there, it is not very far when a major shift will take place from digital being social media platforms to an integrated digital marketing system.

  2. Content to Be a Working Force: Digital revolution has made it possible for people to stay up to date with everything around the globe and at the same time, people are exposed to a myriad of contents in various languages. These contents reserve tremendous potential to influence the audience and this is going to be used soon to influence more across the globe.

  3. Use of Augmented Reality In India: Major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram which are generally used to engage with the audience, extend special offers to them. Sometimes, facebook bots are used to sell tickets among the native audience. Like in the western countries, Augmented Reality is going to be used a path-breaking platform for marketing movies.

  4. The Battle between India and Global Entertainment Market: while India is still exploring the nice content and trying to consume new formats of theatrical content, globally the content battle has reached a new surface. The most popular online content platform, Netflix has relatively spent USD 15 Billion on content like more than 700 series and 80 feature films. Amazon is the other giant in the streaming room and is racing with Netflix, investing USD 5 billion in Content in 2019.

  • Mainstreaming Niche Cinemas and Engaging the Audience: Spectacular digital movie marketing techniques have enabled the typical niche movies to go mainstream and a result, new audiences have been created for niche genres, thanks to social media. The shift from the aspect of Hero and Heroine to other related personas like Director, Cinematographer, has taken place and it is showing how much the audiences have become aware of the cinemas and it all is possible because of digital evolution.

  • Using Influencers to Influence: Nowadays, it is found that social media influencers are used as a part of marketing initiatives to promote movies. The stars on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms have come forward and signed contracts with the same entertainment talent agents who represent Hollywood stars. That denotes the distance between the two worlds is decreasing tremendously and will continue to do so as influencers join the roster or specialized agencies and otherwise formalize their businesses.

India will soon meet a rapid change in the movie industry as per the global norms and digital platforms will play a bigger part in this.

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